I am a 22 yr old artist using neocities to gather all my OCs from my unfinished projects XD (tht is me pictured above drawn by urs truly...) my site looks a lil wonky due to me barely knowing html :D heres my insta! :333
10-12-22: My laptop is offically dead t-t. I've decided the next update will be sketches w/o lineart because I'm lazy and my tablet pen is also broken. The update after that will be hand drawn and scanned. I've updated some pages, some of the code randomly got wonky and had to be fixed. In the meantime I might add new pages....stay tuned :]
02-09-22: I didn't die!!! My laptop just has been out of commission for months D: I've been slowly working on the next update, so it will be up eventually...Right now im updating this with my iPad and it's kind of a hassle...hopefully next update will befrom my laptop ;-; |
08-17-21: OOF, I kinda did a hiatus because of a lot of irl stuff (mostly moving state to state) The next chapter is on hold, but in the works! The next few chapters are most likely gonna be without color, just so I can get them out! |
07-02-21: I finally got my new pen a few days ago!! it's so much better holy fucc...I'm rly excited for the next chapter!! Stay tuned, it shall be up in the next two weeks (hopefully ^^') |
06-20-21: my pen is finally done for -_- i will be getting a new one soon. I think i may change the comics style a bit and traditionally sketch + ink then digitally color so I can upate despite technical difficulties D: Next chapter should be here the first-second week of july T_T |
05-24-21: a little late, but part 2 is uploaded ! |
05-20-21: Dont u guise worry, the 22nd is the next update !! I think that'll be my regular update day unttil I draw faster XD |
05-03-21: ARGHHH my pen nib BROKE this morning D: comic update will be later than anticipated :(( My new nibs are coming ASAP |
04-28-21: I'm currently working on episode 1: part 2 and it should hopefully be out next week! Stay tuned :D |
04-23-21: Thank u 2 anyone who read the first episode! ive added a guestbook today X3 |
04-22-21: UPDATE UPDATE: First episode uploaded! finally.....the first episode of Roboriot should be uploaded tonite!!! |
04-17-21: WHEW srry for the radio silence! first chapter is almost ready for upload...stay tuned ((: |
03-23-21: So updates have been slowing down because im actually starting the comic I'm gonna upload on here! It will take a while because I want to have at least a chapter ready to upload for the next big update! Stay tuned! :3 |
03-14-21: Added drawn pics for characters ((: |
03-11-21: Added placeholder images for worlds and characters + learning to set up a grid! Fixed update table (kinda) |
03-09-21: Added updates table XD |
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